Events | UC Davis MIND Institute

UC Davis MIND Institute Events

The UC Davis MIND Institute provides a diverse range of events that are open to the community. These events cater to various interests and needs. Some of the offerings include informative lectures, support groups specifically designed for parents, teenagers, and siblings, family festivals, resource fairs, and many other engaging activities. These events are aimed at fostering a sense of community and providing valuable resources and support to individuals and families.

ADOS-2 Introductory and Toddler Clinical Training

Enhance your autism assessment skills with the ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition). For experienced professionals like speech-language pathologists, physicians, psychologists, and occupational therapists with prior background in autism and formal testing. Led by Sarah Dufek, a licensed psychologist, and board-certified behavior analyst with extensive expertise in autism intervention and assessment across all ages.

The training is a prerequisite for more thorough training to obtain the reliability needed to use the ADOS-2 for research purposes.

ADOS-2 Introductory Training for Clinicians (Online lecture format)
Sept. 17-18, 2024 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Learn basic principles of administering and scoring all ADOS-2 modules (Modules 1-4 and Toddler). Training provides an essential step toward competence in using the ADOS-2 in everyday clinical practice. Introduction workshop is two days: $495 per-participant.

ADOS-2 Toddler Module (Online lecture format and video demonstrations)
Sept. 19, 2024, 8:30 a.m. – 5. p.m.
Used with children between the ages of 12 and 30 months. Gain vital skills for using ADOS-2 in clinical assessment and research. Leave the course with a solid grasp of the toddler module and hands-on assessment experience guided by a certified trainer. Toddler training is one day: $225 per-participant.

Register here by Sept. 2, 2024. For more information, please contact our Training Program at

2024 MIND Institute “Learning Together” Conference
2024 MIND Institute Conferencia "Aprendiendo Juntos“

Saturday October 5, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
UD Davis MIND Institute
2825 50th Street
Sacramento, CA 95817

The Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (CEDD) in collaboration with Alta California Regional Center (ACRC), CommuniCare+OLE, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund PTI (DREDF), WarmLine Family Resource Center, Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Health Education Council and Kelso Library, present:

“Essential Tools: Acceptance, Inclusion and Access to Services” This year our conference will be providing tools to help us accept and understand our loved one's eligibility category, diagnosis, disability or needs; Experts will share with us how accepting that we need help will open the doors to seeking the necessary services to support our loved one in seeking a life of inclusion and belonging. We will examine how to communicate with different service systems by providing therapies and resources to people. people with neurodevelopmental disabilities “it is not easy, but it can be possible.”

Who should attend? Family members, youth and adults with disabilities, professionals and others interested in improving the quality of life of people living with developmental disabilities. We are waiting for you!

Adults $100
Parents $100
Professionals $100

The conference is authorized by Alta, please inform your Service Coordinator of your interest in participating and make it a goal of your IPP. For information call 916-734-1812 or write to

El Centro para la Excelencia en Discapacidades del Desarrollo (CEDD) en colaboración con Alta California Regional Center (ACRC), CommuniCare+OLE, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund PTI (DREDF), Centro de Recursos para las Familias WarmLine, Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Health Education Council y la Biblioteca Kelso, presentan:

“Herramientas Esenciales: Aceptación, Inclusión y Acceso a los Servicios” Este año nuestra conferencia estará proporcionando herramientas que nos ayuden a aceptar y entender la categoría de elegibilidad, diagnóstico, discapacidad o necesidades de nuestro ser querido; los expertos nos compartirán como el aceptar que necesitamos ayuda nos abrirá las puertas a buscar los servicios necesarios para apoyar a nuestro ser querido a buscar una vida de inclusión y pertenencia, examinaremos como el comunicar con los diferentes sistemas de servicios proporcionando terapias y recursos a las personas con discapacidades del neurodesarrollo “no es sencillo, pero puede ser posible”.

¿Quién debe asistir? Familiares, jóvenes y adultos con discapacidades, profesionistas y otros interesados en mejorar la calidad de personas viviendo con discapacidades del desarrollo. ¡Los esperamos!

Costo Adultos $100
Padres $100
Profesionistas $100

La conferencia está autorizada por Alta, por favor comunique a su Coordinador de Servicios su interés de participar y colocarlo como meta de su IPP. Para información llame al 916-734-1812 o escriba a

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024
Family Time at the MIND: Fall Festival

The UC Davis MIND Institute’s Distinguished Lecturer Series are public lectures by nationally and internationally-recognized researchers in neurodevelopmental disabilities.

This annual event is intended to help participants keep pace with the latest in evidence-based treatment and research on neurodevelopmental disabilities and the implications for best practices in prevention, assessment, and treatment. ​We are excited to offer this inter-disciplinary event, bringing together researchers and self-advocates to share valuable information and personal experience. This event is open to all health care professionals, educators, therapists, self-advocates and families/caregivers.

Seminarios de excelencia en investigación del neurodesarrollo (SEIN)

Seminars of Excellence in Neurodevelopmental Research (SEIN)

Los Seminarios de excelencia en investigación del neurodesarrollo (SEIN) es una iniciativa del Instituto MIND que tiene como objetivo la divulgación de la información científica más actual relacionada con el neurodesarrollo y trastornos asociados. Los ponentes de estos seminarios incluyen reconocidos investigadores clínicos y básicos especializados en el tema. Estos seminarios son en español y dirigidos a investigadores y profesionales de todos los países de habla hispana. Familias son bienvenidas.

Presentaciones anteriores del SEIN en YouTube

Sibling Sessions

These sessions are held once a month for the siblings ages 7-17 of children with autism, ADHD, fragile X syndrome, and more to interact with typically developing peers in a safe and structured setting. They take part in activities and discussions of shared experiences in a fun and open atmosphere. The new sessions start in February, both virtually and in person.

Sibling Session Dates: Sep. 4, Oct. 2, Nov. 6

Family Navigator Virtual Parent Support Group 

Navigating school, therapies, and in home services can be overwhelming. Join us for a discussion group with Family Navigator parent mentors to learn more about community resources. Group members are encouraged to bring related questions and share their experiences. Ongoing participation is welcome.

To receive your Zoom link, please register now.

Group content varies across sessions, please contact the Family Navigator program with specific requests or questions: 916-734-4152 or

Family Navigator Support Group: Parents of Adult Children and Teens (PACT) 

Join us for a discussion group with the Family Navigator team. This group is open to families and supporters of people in their teens through adulthood. Group members are encouraged to bring questions and share their experiences. Ongoing participation is welcome.

For more information, please contact 916-734-4152 or

Sankofa (African American Developmental Disabilities Alliance) (PDF)

The parent support group, the African American Developmental Disability Parent Alliance is now named Sankofa Parent Support Group. The word Sankofa comes from an African language which means “go back and fetch it” which is significant to the mission and purpose of the group which is to take information and resources we learn back to people in the community. Sankofa was founded in 2015 in order to meet the unique needs of parents of Black children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Since our inception, Sankofa has supported the needs of the parents by providing advocacy and resources that have increased awareness of developmental disabilities at the community level.

Dinner and childcare will be provided. For more information about Sankofa, contact These meetings are co-sponsored by the UC Davis Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (CEDD) and Warmline Family Resource and Parent Training and Information Center.

Vamos a platicar (Let's Talk)

UC Davis MIND Institute, Centro de Recursos
2825 50th Street, Sacramento CA

La Serie de 6 presentaciones fue creada y presentada por primera vez en el 2014 por tres madres hispanas, tomando en cuenta las experiencias de familias de niños en diferentes edades, diferentes diagnóstico y sus experiencias personales como madres de hijos con diagnósticos de discapacidades del desarrollo. Actualmente la serie es presentada y enriquecida por madres lideres, que como profesionales apoyan directamente a las familias en la difícil tarea de navegar el sistema. Las familias reportan que al participar se han beneficiado dado que al encontrar y aumentar sus recursos, fortalecieron su persona y también a sus familias. Para registro y estacionamiento gratuitito, por favor comuníquese al 916-703-0439.  Patrocinado por el Centro para la Excelencia en Discapacidades del Desarrollo Centro de Recursos para la Familia WarmLine.

Vamos a platicar (Let’s Talk) is a six-week series that will be conducted entirely in Spanish. It is for parents of children with disabilities to share their experiences and to learn about their child’s diagnosis and needs and how to help them achieve their full potential. For registration, please call 916-703-0439. Sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the Warmline Family Resource Center.

CEDD Padres para Padres (Parents Supporting Parents)

CEDD Padres para Padres es un grupo de apoyo contínuo que se lleva a cabo completamente en español. Esta es una oportunidad para que los padres de niños y adultos con discapacidades del desarrollo del condado de Sacramento, compartan sus recursos, ideas y sentimientos en un ambiente de apoyo y confidencialidad. Las reuniones se llevan a cabo el primer martes de cada mes de 6 a 8 p.m. a través de Zoom.Para registrarse, por favor llame al 916-734-1812 o envíe un correo electrónico a Patrocinado por el CEDD Centro para la Excelencia en Discapacidades del Desarrollo.

CEDD Parents Supporting Parents is an ongoing support group that is conducted entirely in Spanish. This is an opportunity for parents of children and adults with developmental disabilities of Sacramento County, to share their resources, ideas, and feelings in a supportive and confidential environment. Meetings are held on the First Tuesday of each month from 6-8 p.m. via Zoom. To register, please call 916-734-1812 or send an email to Sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

2024 Holiday Closure Schedule

  • Holiday Season: Jan. 1, 2024
  • Martin Luther King Jr: Jan. 15, 2024
  • Presidents' Day: Feb. 19, 2024
  • César Chávez Day: Mar. 29, 2024
  • Memorial Day: May 27, 2024
  • Juneteenth: June 19, 2024
  • 4th of July: July 4, 2024
  • Labor Day: Sept. 2, 2024
  • Veterans Day: Nov. 11, 2024
  • Thanksgiving: Nov. 28, 2024
  • Thanksgiving: Nov. 29, 2024
  • Holiday Season: Dec. 24, 2024
  • Holiday Season: Dec. 25, 2024
  • Holiday Season: Dec. 31, 2024

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