At UC Davis
Cancer Center, more than 150 adult and 100 pediatric clinical trials
are under way at any given time. A community hospital, in contrast,
typically offers only a dozen. Even before achieving NCI designation,
UC Davis Cancer Center ranked first among nearly 300 members of
the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG), one of the world’s largest
adult clinical trials organizations, in the number of patients enrolled
in new drug studies. With NCI designation, the cancer center will
have even more opportunities to offer clinical trials that give
patients early access to potentially smarter, more powerful therapies.
“An NCI-designated cancer center is a tremendous resource
for our region,” said Primo Lara, assistant professor of hematology/oncology.
“If we did not exist, people in our area would not have access
to these investigational drugs.”
Gilson’s story is a case in point. UC Davis Cancer Center
was one of just three centers in Northern California — and
the only one this side of San Francisco — participating in
a clinical trial of Iressa in October 2000, when the Gilsons were
preparing for their last Thanksgiving together. Although the trial
was designed to assess the drug’s effectiveness against a
different form of lung cancer, Gandara had reason to believe Iressa
might also work in bronchoalveolar carcinoma, or BAC, the cancer
that was killing Gilson. Through the scientific grapevine, Gandara
had heard reports of two BAC patients elsewhere in the country who
improved on the investigational drug.
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