meet antibody
these, HTLV-1 is the least complicated. It's spread much like HIV
- by sexual contact, blood, breast milk, or sharing needles - but
it undergoes fewer mutations when it makes copies of itself. It
doesn't vary from person to person or even across inter- national
borders. HTLV-1 from St. Croix is very similar to HTLV-1 in Tokyo.
a big advantage," says Torres. "With vaccines for hepatitis
C or even influenza virus, variability is a problem - the viruses
constantly change. You make an antibody to one virus but that virus
turns into something else when it duplicates by changing key antigenic
HTLV-1 does not mutate as frequently as HIV, the antibodies that
the body generates in response to the virus have the potential to
work. With rapidly mutating viruses, you can develop a vaccine to
neutralize the virus, but the antibodies will only be effective
before the virus mutates."
virus-cancer connection has long been a source of scien- tific investigation.
Researchers have long known that retro- viruses can cause cancer
in animals. It was 1980 before the first human cancer/retrovirus
connection was established with the identification of HTLV-1.
contain oncogenes that can be transferred during replication. They
can alter their host's chromosomes just enough to "switch on"
oncogenes that cause cells to grow out of control.
right: To creat an HTLV-1 vaccine, researchers will harvest antibodies
from monkeys, who are also susceptible to the virus.
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