We now offer free Stop the Bleed trainings for schools, churches, non-profit organizations, and the public

Please submit your request at least 30 days before your requested class dates.

Request a Stop the Bleed Class

Will You Be Ready?

A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes. Emergency responders will arrive as quickly as possible, but bystanders are almost always there first. In the case of disaster and high casualty incidents, emergency services are often spread thin. Will YOU be ready?

UC Davis Health is now offering free Stop the Bleed trainings for schools, churches, non-profit organizations, and the public.

This in-person 90-minute class, taught by UC Davis Health trauma nurse practitioners, nurses and physicians, provides education and training on basic bleeding control. Class size depends on instructor availability (limit of 10 students per 1 instructor). Students will learn and practice how to use pressure, packing or a tourniquet to quickly control severe bleeding. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the training.

To schedule a Stop the Bleed training for your organization, church, school, or other community group, please submit a STB Class Request form.

For questions or more information, email Trauma Prevention at hs-trauma.prevention@ucdavis.edu.

Stop The Bleed!

Blood loss is the leading cause of preventable death in multiple casualty events, like mass shootings, terrorist attacks and earthquakes. Significant external bleeding can also result from everyday events such as a motorcycle crash, or industrial accident. Rapid control of bleeding at the scene of the event can be life-saving. That’s why we are teaming with up the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma and Sacramento area trauma centers to offer these free courses and ensure that:

  1. Bystanders have skills and knowledge to provide immediate bleeding control to victims at the scene of an event.
  2. Bleeding control supplies are located in all public gathering locations next to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
  3. Bleeding control education is incorporated into our schools and workplace.
  4. People know what to do in an active shooter situation

Learn More At  stopthebleed.org

logo and word mark for American College of Surgeons, The committee on Trauma and Save a live organization