Orthopaedic Residency Training Program
Research Opportunities
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery supports residents in their research efforts with outstanding research facilities, unparalleled academic and clinical resources and a tradition of collaborative, interdisciplinary research.
In 8,000 square feet, the Lawrence J. Ellison Musculoskeletal Research Center houses a machine shop, materials testing laboratory, cell and molecular biology laboratory, histology laboratory, tissue culture facilities, microscopy laboratory and microsurgery suite. Computing facilities are available for mathematical modeling of mechanical stresses in skeletal structures and implants. In addition, the center uses an outstanding animal research facility at the 160-acre Animal Resources Services facility on the Davis campus. The center staff includes seven basic science faculty, three administrative assistants, two technicians and typically a dozen postgraduate researchers: fellows, residents, visiting scholars, medical students and graduate students.
The UC Davis campus provides a rich environment for biomedical research. It is the home of the esteemed University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine — the largest veterinary school in the nation; the world-renown California National Primate Research Center; and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, recent recipient of a $12 million Whitaker Foundation Leadership/Development grant that triggers some $35 million in matching funds. The Facility for Advanced Instrumentation gives residents access to a variety of sophisticated research equipment. Collaborations typically have involved the Departments of Veterinary Pathology, Mechanical Engineering, Animal Science, Chemical Engineering and Material Science and Biomedical Engineering.
The department encourages all residents and fellows to participate in the laboratory research program and requires a laboratory or clinical research paper of all graduating residents.
The department offers one six-year residency position annually, providing one year of extensive research investigation between the PG2 and PGY-3 level. Additional research time for all residents is available on a weekly basis throughout the residency program to meet the requirements for graduation. Residents select an area of interest and may use the facilities and technical equipment available at the Lawrence J. Ellison Musculoskeletal Research Center or participate in a clinical study. Residents must present their research at the completion of their residency. The department encourages residents to present their results at national conferences and to publish their research in peer-reviewed journals.
The department sponsors residents for all national and major regional meetings at which they present a paper, subject to the approval of the department chair.