Southern California wildfire evacuation illustrates life lesson for future mental health provider

Southern California wildfire evacuation illustrates life lesson for future mental health provider

Classmates in UC’s advanced practice psych program experience compassion firsthand

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New toolkit helps rural communities plan for aging togetherNew toolkit helps rural communities plan for aging together

UC Davis nursing school researcher collaborates for opportunities for older adults to age with purpose in their communities

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Charleen Singh, program director for the DNP-FNP Degree ProgramDNP-FNP program director embraces challenge, models success

Charleen Singh, program director for the DNP-FNP Degree Program, shares her experience as a clinician and researcher, along with her vision for the program.

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Video: UC Davis nursing school thanks donors for making mission possible

Thanks to the support of our donors, we are integrating the science and humanity of nursing and other health disciplines. We are driving innovative research, education, and practice and preparing leaders who will advance health, transform care, and spark bold systemic change—locally, nationally, and globally.