The Center for Advancing Pain Relief is a first-of-its-kind center for education, research, clinical care and policy, committed to breaking down silos with the bold mission of transforming pain care.

Alleviating pain, bringing hope
The UC Davis Center for Advancing Pain Relief is a first-of-its-kind center where the brightest minds — faculty, researchers, educators and policymakers — come together across disciplines to advance novel approaches to pain management, all in the service of alleviating suffering and improving quality of life for pain sufferers worldwide.
See how we’re creating sustainable pain solutions through education, research and practice.
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A variety of videos about the UC Davis Center for Advancing Pain Relief are available that address the center's activities and educational events.

Experts associated with the center publish research papers and scholaraly articles focused on a wide range of pain care and pain management topics.

Our team publishes news releases and other helpful information and articles about the center's education, research, clinical care and policy acitivities.