
“Our experience with the Pediatric GI intestinal rehabilitation program was more than amazing! I thank the program for saving my daughter’s life. She has more than proved to all of us what she is capable of and that was truly amazing to experience. The program really educated me and opened my eyes, but most importantly it was the amazing team behind it who made Everley’s story such a success. The expertise of all the doctors, nurse practitioners and nurses made it happen.

Three months home and Everley has been thriving and growing every single day. She is such a true fighter and because of you all, my daughter has a bright future ahead of her.

My advice for other parents going through this program with their child is to be involved and be patient. There is a lot to learn, but trust the process of your child’s abilities. These babies are so resilient and so full of surprises. Communicate with the care team, your doctors and ask all the questions. We, as their parents, are our child’s advocates and we know them the best.

Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts about this program.”

– Testimonial submitted by Brenda Saechao, Everley’s mother