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Cancer Care
Cancer Care
Mom’s ‘gut feeling’ leads to daughter’s cancer diagnosis, treatment at UC Davis
Peyton, a sassy, spirited girl who had endless energy was just not herself, so her mom took the then 3-year-old into the local urgent care clinic near their home and insisted on a blood test.
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Isaac’s story: A boy with leukemia and his family’s drive to save his life
Our pediatric oncologists helped Isaac replace chemotherapy and bed rest with the freedom to be a kid again.
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Michigan boy’s life and limb saved by UC Davis care team
Osteosarcoma meant 11-year-old Darren would likely lose his leg. But his family sought hope and another opinion.
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Pediatric cancer diagnosis leads to panic, then relief for local family
Christina knew her toddler was ill and tried to get answers. But it wasn’t until she took her daughter to the UC Davis Pediatric Emergency Room that she would finally know for sure what was wrong – Emily had cancer.
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10-year-old girl fights leukemia battle with resilience, grace
Jessenia Muro looks forward to next chapter, after year of chemotherapy.
See Jessenia's story