“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference.”

Those words from Nelson Mandela echo the theme for Nurses Week 2024: “You Make the Difference.” The sentiment profoundly resonates with the ethos of the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis. It serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power embedded within each of you — the power to heal, to comfort and to inspire hope. Your tireless dedication to advancing health care, promoting wellness and advocating for those in need exemplifies the very best of our profession.

In our world today, we are confronted with an array of formidable challenges, from climate change to social inequality, from mental health crises to health care disparities. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of these issues. However, history has shown us time and again that seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome through collective action, determination and acts of kindness.

At the School of Nursing, we are uniquely positioned to effect positive change. We develop innovative educational approaches to meet the evolving needs of tomorrow’s care.

We create new evidence-based approaches to support family caregivers, driving new solutions and improving access to care. From leading a UC multicampus program to prepare psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners to developing the UC’s first Doctor of Nursing Practice — Nurse Anesthesia program, our educational approach tackles challenges head on and leans into our partnerships.

Each year we graduate roughly four dozen master’s-prepared students poised to take the national nursing licensing exam and become change agents at the bedside. In 2025, the inaugural cohort of our Doctor of Nursing Practice — Family Nurse Practitioner Degree Program will complete a three-year program and fulfill vital provider and advocacy roles in California’s rural and urban communities. They, along with our physician assistant and Doctor of Philosophy alumni, help make a profound difference in health outcomes and quality of life for countless individuals.

To our esteemed alumni, your accomplishments stand as a testament to the exceptional education and training you received at our institution. Your continued contributions inspire us all, serving as guiding beacons.

To our dedicated students, you are the future of health care, imbued with the knowledge, skills and compassion to effect change. Your passion for learning and commitment to excellence fill me with optimism for the future of our profession.

To our valued faculty and staff, your unwavering support and dedication behind the scenes are the backbone of our school. Your tireless efforts ensure that our programs continue to thrive, preparing the next generation of leaders to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

To our trusted partners across UC Davis Health and our communities, your collaboration and shared vision are instrumental in shaping the future of health care education. Together, we strive to create innovative solutions and foster environments where all members of the care team can flourish and make a meaningful difference.

Each of us has the capacity to contribute, whether through advocating for better policies, addressing disparities in access to care, or simply showing compassion to those in need. Just as our predecessors paved the way for progress, so too can we make a difference in the lives of others.

Each year, we celebrate Nurses Week from May 6–12. This year, we took a moment to reflect on the profound impact of our collective efforts. Our compassion, expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence truly make the world — and UC Davis Health — a better place.