Keloid Scars

Keloid scars can form following a skin injury.  A keloid scar is usually firm, rubbery, shiny, and may vary in color from pink to dark brown.  Notably, the scar extends beyond the confines of the original wound.  Treatment of these scars can include steroid injections and surgical removal followed by steroid injections and/or radiation therapy. 

Hypertrophic Scars

Hypertrophic scars represent a stage in the healing of many wounds.  The hypertrophic scar is often raised above the level of the surrounding skin and pink in color.  Treatment may include massage, compression, and steroid injection. 


Contraction of a scar represents a stage in scar maturation.  Most contractures resolve with time and do not require specific therapy.  However, if the contracture occurs in association with a breast implant, additional treatment may be necessary.  

Facial Scars

All skin wounds sustained by the child or adult heal by scarring.  The face is no exception.  A facial scar can not be removed, but may be improve with the passage of time and the use of sunscreens.  Occasionally, surgical intervention is appropriate.  This intervention may involve reorienting the scar's direction, realigning the scar margins, or treatment by dermabrasion to help blend the scar into the surrounding skin.  

Your plastic surgeon can advise you regarding the appropriate technique for you, as well as the risks and complications.

Call 916-734-7844 to schedule a confidential visit.