Tranquility Over the Glimmering Sea by Cheng

“Tranquility Over the Glimmering Sea”
Painting/Drawing on Paper

Tranquility Over the Glimmering Sea by Cheng "Mimi" Chen
“If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air” - Nayyriah Waheed

The majority of the earth's surface is covered with ocean. Since the dawn of time, we have been deeply connected with the ocean. Its vastness served an endless source of inspiration for mankind. The ocean has provided our food sources, a place for recreation, relaxation, and entertainment. During the creation process of this painting, I could just imagine myself standing by the beach, enjoying this view of serene ocean sunset, and feeling the gentle sea breeze brush over me. I had a good time creating this painting and I hope my viewers will also find this seascape image inspiring as well.”Cheng "Mimi" Chen