Information to help you find your way around the UC Davis Health campus and our neighborhood clinics in Sacramento and beyond.
Using our map tool, click on map pins to learn more about each clinic location or search by keyword such as “primary care” or “general pediatrics.”
Click on map pins to explore services available at each location. Or use filters to narrow your search. For example, if you are looking for an Infusion Center, enter “infusion” or “infusion center” in the search field and click enter to see locations offering this service.
As the region’s only academic health center and Sacramento’s #1 hospital, UC Davis Medical Center provides a wide array of services – such as specialty care in 150 fields, a birth center, a children’s hospital, comprehensive surgical services, and emergency care.
If you are planning to visit the Medical Center, find directions, maps, parking and wayfinding information to help you get around.
UC Davis Children’s Hospital is Sacramento’s only nationally ranked, comprehensive hospital for children. It serves infants, children, adolescents and young adults with primary care, subspecialty care and critical care.
Families don’t have to travel to the Bay Area or out of state to find high-quality, comprehensive care for their child.
UC Davis Rehabilitation Hospital is a state-of-the-art, 52-bed inpatient acute rehabilitation hospital dedicated to the treatment and recovery of individuals who have experienced the debilitating effects of a severe injury or illness. Examples include stroke, brain or spinal cord injury, cardiovascular or pulmonary issues, and other serious conditions.