Healthy Aging Clinic | Healthy Aging | UC Davis

Healthy Aging Clinic

Healthcare worker assisting a patient.
Patients aged 65 and older

Committed to care

Awarded age-friendly designation, the multispecialty team of providers and staff of the Healthy Aging Clinic are committed to the health and well-being of older adults. These include cognitive neurology, neuropsychology, nursing, dietary planning, pharmacy and social work.

Age-Friendly Health Systems logo. Committed to care excellence for older adults logo

Current services offered

  • Geriatric medicine
  • Cognitive neurology
  • Dementia care program
  • Dietary/nutrition
  • Mobility care
  • Neurocognitive testing with neuropsychology
  • Caregiver consultation
  • Pharmacy
  • Social work

UC Davis Health patients need a referral from a UC Davis Health physician or provider for these services. The clinic accepts referrals for patients ages 65 and older with selected insurance payors, including Medi-Cal GMC plans. To find out which insurance plans are accepted, please contact us.