Mobility Care | Healthy Aging | UC Davis Health

Mobility Care

Mobility care provides an assessment of gait, movement and fall risk. Our focus is to ensure safety and help older adults maintain physical independence for as long as possible. Services include:

  • Comprehensive evaluation and plan to address modifiable fall risk factors (e.g., blood pressure, vision, medications, home environment), bone health, physical activity, and assistive devices
  • Care coordination with primary care and specialty teams
  • Referrals to services (e.g., podiatry, physical and occupational therapy)
  • Resources to community-based organizations
  • Education and counseling to older adults and family caregivers on strategies to reduce fall risks

UC Davis Health patients need a referral from a UC Davis Health physician or provider for these services. The clinic accepts referrals for patients ages 65 and older with selected insurance payors, including Medi-Cal GMC plans. To find out which insurance plans are accepted, please contact us.