Theodore first visited UC Davis in February 2019. He had gotten RSV and was transferred from our hospital in Lodi. He has gone back multiple times since then for other medical issues, tonsillectomy and tracheostomy surgery. His four years of life have been in and out of the hospitals. He has dwarfism, severe sleep apnea, a trach ... he has gone through it. At one point, he even coded. He is now an almost 5-year-old, energetic boy that loves to play, talk and go to school!

Even though we never want to be back in a hospital, we love everything about UC Davis. It’s our home hospital. We always felt heard here, everyone was amazing, took care of Theodore and did everything they could to help us feel as comfortable as we could.
All the nurses and respiratory therapists are always amazing! It’s been almost four years and I still remember Theodore’s first nurses, Kevin and Carlee. When my son coded, Carlee was the first one to offer comfort with a hug that meant so much to me. Kevin was great. He was always checking on us, asking the doctor questions I couldn’t think of and making Theodore as comfortable as he could. The respiratory therapists, Shelly, Elizabeth, and Amy, also were all so helpful when my son received his trach, reassuring us that we could handle all that comes with it.