To outline the expectations for the completion of evaluations pertaining to the curriculum, by medical students. Evaluations are an important tool used for the improvement of teaching, the overall effectiveness of the curriculum, and for academic advancement of faculty. Students are essential contributors to the evaluation data collected by the institution. Only through meaningful participation by all students can this process be productive.

All medical students

8.3 Curricular Design, Review, Revision/Content Monitoring
8.4 Evaluation of Educational Program Outcomes
8.5 Medical Student Feedback


  1. All students are required to complete, at a minimum, 75% of all faculty evaluations for each course/clerkship of enrollment. This includes, but is not limited to small group facilitator, active learning facilitator(s), and applicable longitudinal preceptor evaluations.
  2. All students are required to complete all site evaluations for all required clinical experiences and rotations.
  3. All students must complete all course/clerkship evaluations for courses in which they were enrolled, completed, and received a grade or mark.
  4. Pre-clerkship phase course evaluations (faculty, facilitator, site, preceptor, and course) must be completed within 1 week of the final exam in each course.
  5. Clerkship phase course evaluations (faculty, facilitator, site, preceptor, and course) must be completed within 1 week of the shelf exam of the concluding rotation.
  6. All students must participate in one curriculum-related focus group during their medical school enrollment. Participation will be assigned at random by the Assessment and Evaluation team.
  7. Students are expected to use professional language in all evaluations. Comments should be constructive, respectful, and framed using language the evaluator (i.e., student) would want to hear if they were being evaluated.
  8. Written comments provided in evaluations are confidential; faculty cannot access a student's identity.
  9. If a written comment violates 1) the UC Davis Principles of Community, 2) the School’s Redaction of Narrative Evaluation Completed by Learners Policy, or 3) if there are concerns about student safety or well-being, that comment may be subject to review by the Committee on Educational Policy.


  1. All evaluations will be delivered through the electronic evaluation delivery system. Faculty, facilitator, and site evaluations will be assigned on a rolling basis, but no later than the final day of course/clerkship. One hour in the final week of each course (e.g., immediately after the final/shelf exam) will be available for student time to complete their evaluations.
  2. If a student fails to complete at least 75% of their faculty evaluations, any course/clerkship evaluation, or any site evaluation within 1 week of the end of the course/clerkship it will be considered an administrative lapse and the student’s academic coach will be notified.
  3. If a student fails to complete at least 75% of their faculty evaluations, any course evaluation, or any site evaluation within 1 week of the end of the course/clerkship in any subsequent course/clerkship, the student will be subject to the loss of systems access (LMS, EMR, etc.) until outstanding evaluations are addressed. Per the Professionalism Policy, a physicianship form will be completed for each of these lapses and will be submitted by the assessment lead. Implications of the submission of the first and all subsequent physicianship forms are outlined in the Professionalism Policy and could involve a referral to the Committee on Student Promotions.

Office of Medical Education

UC Davis School of Medicine Bylaws and Regulations, Regulation 80 (C): Academic Warning and Academic Probation

Professionalism Policy  

Committee on Education Policy

Committee on Educational Policy*
Committee on Student Promotions
Office of Medical Education

May 2024, 3-year review cycle

* Indicates the Policy Owner