Interprofessional initiative takes team-based care into classroom, practice
Q & A with Ricky Norwood: Professor discusses role as clinician, educator
Q. What values of the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis most resonate with you?
A. The Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing’s cultural inclusiveness resonates with my personal experiences in health care and my career trajectory as a provider and educator. As an African-American male in the nursing profession, I recognize that minority health professionals have a vital role in health care and their numbers must expand. I enjoy teaching and sharing my nursing knowledge with others, especially the minority population. I hope my enthusiastic teaching style will be a beacon to other minorities to join the health care profession.
Q. What facet of precepting students motivates you?
A. As a preceptor for family nurse practitioner and physician assistant students, I embrace enhancing the students’ knowledge and skills that will enable them to make patients’ lives better. I believe it is absolutely imperative that preceptors have the patience, knowledge and skills to ensure students receive the best clinical experience in an environment that is supportive, caring and genuine. The good news for students is that they already have inside of them what they need to be successful.
Q. As a member of the SPLICE team, what are your hopes that this research project accomplishes long term with UC Davis graduates?
A. I hope that these students gain valuable experience from working with a multidisciplinary team in primary care to facilitate and manage patient care, utilizing evidence-based research and practices. This team approach enhances quality and safe care, better communication and collaboration, along with ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity. Having a dedicated primary care team will definitely go a long way in achieving SPLICE aims.
Q. How do you view interprofessional teamwork?
A. Interprofessional teamwork and my roles as both faculty member and clinician give me the excellent opportunity to provide quality health care and be instrumental in guiding students through our complex health care system. Demonstrating effective communication, collaboration and instilling a sense of confidence and accomplishment will hopefully allow students to move forward from this point on and have others see them as visionaries.