Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Forensic Psychiatry
In working with patients, I believe in centering your experiences while providing high-quality care. I aim to work with patients to develop a treatment plan that takes into consideration your specific needs within your specific context.
Dr. Tastenhoye is a forensic child and adolescent psychiatrist offering subspecialty care to children with various psychiatric conditions across spectrums of care. She has specific clinical interest and expertise in the management of autism spectrum disorder, the early identification of psychotic disorders, and mid-levels of care such as intensive outpatient programs.
Dr. Tastenhoye's academic interests include working with learners such as medical students, residents, and fellows within the department of psychiatry. Dr. Tastenhoye’s research interests relate to forensic topics such as internet radicalization and subcultures, violence risk in specific populations, and California juvenile transfer assessments.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
B.S., Cognitive Science, McGill University, Montreal Quebec Canada 2014
M.D., Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin Ireland 2018
Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh PA 2018-2019
General Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh PA 2019-2021
Forensic Psychiatry, UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2023-2024
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh PA 2021-2023
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