Assistant Health Science Clinical Professor
To see if Beatrice Nichols is accepting new patients, or for assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Behavioral Health Center
2230 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817
Dr. Nichols is dedicated to holistic and integrated care that embodies the whole person, and she seeks to partner with patients in their physical and mental wellbeing within their families and communities. In her personal life, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends (and pets), being active outdoors, caring for inside and outside gardens, and traveling in nature - which most recently includes exploring national parks.
Dr. Nichols is a dual trained family medicine and psychiatry physician with clinical interests in outpatient care in both physical and mental health combined. She works primarily in the community clinic setting, providing care to patients of all ages and backgrounds who may experience issues with access to healthcare as part of her service commitment.
Dr. Nichols' specialized focus include global health including refugee and immigrant services, psychodynamic aspects of clinical care, and reproductive psychiatry - among many others. She also has a clinical research interest on further improving the application of integrated and collaborative care, alongside her desire to support combined training through teaching and mentoring.
Family and Community Medicine
B.A., Spanish, Wittenberg University, Springfield OH 2014
B.S., Biology, Wittenberg University, Springfield OH 2014
M.D., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati OH 2019
Psychiatry and Family Medicine, University of California, Davis, Sacramento CA 2019-2020
Psychiatry and Family Medicine, University of California, Davis, Sacramento CA 2020-2024