Faculty Awards and Honors | Academic Personnel | UC Davis Health

Faculty Awards and Honors

  • In a continued effort to ensure that the achievements and recognition of all faculty honorees at all career stages and levels are not overlooked and can be further acknowledged by the Chancellor and Provost, the Department of Academic Personnel will be sending monthly Honors and Awards Reports to the Vice Provost’s Office. We will be soliciting information from the departments each month and will be tracking faculty awards and honors in a database created for this purpose.

    Academic Affairs will distribute the list to university administration and to various communication outlets, as appropriate, and will use these lists as an additional step in ensuring that the rosters of certain top tier awards on the Academic Affairs honors web pages remain current.

    The information requested includes faculty honoree name; department; *title (*if Distinguished or endowed, please include those in the titles as well); name of award or honor and awarding organization, eg “National Book Award” of the National Book Foundation; and date of receipt of the award.

    Please use the link below to submit faculty awards and honors. Anyone can submit awards at any time and this link will be on our website homepage for submissions as well.

    Submit Award/Honor
  • For questions please email Elizabeth Peters at: hs-ucdhsfacultydevelopment@ucdavis.edu