“Chain Breaker”
Painting/Drawing on Paper
Breaking Chains is hard to do, but it is possible. I'm a firm believer all things are possible with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The words of my Dad, Albert, and late Mother Sonya, gives me strength. Although they did not raise me, I love them with all my Heart. They opened my eyes to wanting more. This is dedicated to my Dad & Mom. I love you forever! Dad, I'm so proud of you Breaking Chains! It's never too late!”—Jennifer Vazquez
The process of healing, at times, involves embracing the unknown. As a consequence, we have to hope. Martin Luther King Jr. was once quoted: ‘Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase.’”—Ryan Ha
“Among the Waves”
Painting/Drawing on Paper
I like to make these types of drawings to help recenter myself. Sometimes when I feel all over the place and cannot focus, I make these types of drawings. It is therapeutic and assists with my mental health. The process of creating these help me recenter myself. Despite the drawing looking like a mess, it reminds me that I need to take one step at a time when I feel stressed, depressed, or anxious. When creating the waves, I like to regulate my breathing as I draw each line. This helps me recenter myself and assist when my thoughts get the best of me. It helps me forget why I am depressed, and it has been a coping mechanism I recently began. Like the baby sea turtle, I am still trying to navigate my way as new challenges arise.”—Name Withheld
“Healing Harry”
Harry was rescued from a meat market in China. I cannot imagine the things he's seen and been through. We spend a lot of time in the backyard where our redwoods stand like sentinels. We gave him the middle name Xiwang. It means Hope.”—Jennifer Butler
“A Father's Heart”
While watching my son interact with his daughter, my grandbaby, there is a feeling of serenity watching something that brings you so much joy. The joy of your son with his daughter. Remembering how proud you were to be a new mom. I just remember repeating "my son, my son" because it felt so good to say it. I had so much pride in being a new mom. Now, I get to feel that feeling all over again, but for him and his daughter. Life is precious. Use your time wisely. Don't waste it. Make as many memories as possible, and never waste an opportunity to capture that forever moment whenever you can.”—Tonya Pelayo
“Time & Support”
Painting/Drawing on Paper
Time and support can heal many challenges, both physical and mental. Time helps not only in the healing of wounds but also in acceptance and adaptation, while encouragement from loved ones, friends, or supporters provides understanding and comfort. Together, these elements can make a meaningful difference in the healing process.”—Nopparat Suthprasertporn
For questions about any of our programs or events, please contact us at healinghearts@ucdavis.edu.