CVRI Core Facilities
Cell and Molecular Biology Core
The mission of the Cell and Molecular Biology Core within the Cardiovascular Research Institute is to provide a single facility where investigators can access a range of resources and services for molecular manipulation and gene transfer purposes. We are a full-service facility and can aid research investigators in the design and construction of a wide variety of custom viral vectors. The core produces vectors on a fee-for-service basis. We have many premade recombinant adenovirus and adeno-associated virus in stock. Dr. Jody Martin is the director, having previously directed similar facilities at University of Illinois, Chicago, and in the Health Sciences Division of Loyola University Chicago.
The core lab is housed in the School of Medicine on the first floor of J Tupper Hall, in room 1436 with offices in room 2431. Drop by, call at 530-754-1465 or email Jody with questions or comments at
Microsurgery Core (Animal Model Core)
MicroSurgery Core provides professional microsurgery services for rodent models and can deploy surgeons to Principal Investigator’s vivarium to conduct surgeries if animal transfer is not feasible.