These courses are taught in-person.

MHI 202 — Electronic Health Records

Units: 4
Instructor: Mark Carroll, M.P.H.

Course description: This course gives a Introduction and survey of computer-based clinical record systems. Topics include data modeling, health system standards and terminologies; security, privacy and confidentiality; workflow modeling; data visualization; legal; and evidence-based practice. Students will have educational use of EPIC in the class.

MHI 207 — Decision Support

Units: 4
Instructor: Prabhu Shankar, M.D., M.S.

Course description: This course explores foundations of decision support systems for medical applications. Topics include medical decision making, uncertainty, review of existing decision support systems implementation, knowledge engineering, data mining, and knowledge-based systems.

MHI 210 — Introduction to Health Informatics

Units: 4
Instructor: Nick Anderson, Ph.D. and Mark Carroll, M.P.H.

Course description: Overview and introduction of the field of health informatics, with a focus on clinical and public health foundations and applications. Topics include history of computer and data use in health and medicine, health law and ethics, and domain applications in consumer health, interoperability of data, systems design and usability, and telemedicine and education.

MHI 289F — Databases in Healthcare

Units: 4
Instructor: Nick Anderson, Ph.D.

Course description: This course introduces students to concepts of knowledge management as well as data, information, and knowledge modeling/engineering. In addition to conceptual, use-case, database, and ontological modeling, time will be devoted to covering traditional relational database concepts of normalization, SQL queries and interface design. Time will also be spent on ontology-based reasoning and the semantic web.

MHI 290 — Health Informatics Seminar Series

Units: 1
Instructor: Mark Carroll, M.P.H.

Course description: Weekly seminar covering research and evaluation methods, core concepts in health informatics, and classic and current informatics literature review.  Sessions are research focused by local, national and international informatics leaders and professionals.

MHI 299 — Research in Health Informatics (independent research format)

Units: 1 - 4
Instructor: Health Informatics Graduate Program Faculty

Course description:  Thesis research in Health Informatics.