Tuition and Fees

For the current tuition rates, please refer to UC Davis MHI Student Fees.

Note that the tuition, fees, and charges posted here are estimates based on currently approved amounts. These figures may not be final; actual tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by the Regents of the University of California or, as authorized, by the President of the University of California. Accordingly, final approved levels and charges may differ from the amounts shown.


Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition

The UC Davis Health Informatics Program is considered a professional degree program as supported by the University of California Office of the President's Committee on Finance, and approved by the Regents, on November 18, 2010.

For more information about Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition please visit:


Financial Support and Funding

Students generally fund themselves through a combination of financial aid, external fellowships, and student employment, which you apply for separate from the admissions application. 

University Staff Employment

There are opportunities for employment on the Davis and Sacramento campuses. Jobs are advertised on an ongoing basis through the UC Davis Jobs website. The University of California jobs search site also has available job listings from other UC campuses, including Berkeley and San Francisco. Student spouses may be able to find employment opportunities with the university.

UC Employee-Student Reduced Fee Program: UC Employees who work 50% time or greater can apply to receive a two-thirds reduction of both the University Registration Fee and the Educational Fee. Please see more information about the conditions and how to apply here and here.