Our Pediatric Acute Care Education Sessions (PACES) program is led by a collaborate team of professionals from UC Davis Health, including pediatric physicians, nurses and program managers.

Leah Tzimenatos, M.D.
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
UC Davis Children’s Hospital

Dr. Tzimenatos treats pediatric patients with emergent medical illnesses and traumatic injuries. For the PACES program, she’s one of the lead webinar presenters, helping educate community clinicians on pediatric clinical guidelines for acute and emergent matters.

Heather McKnight, M.D.
Pediatric Hospital Medicine
UC Davis Children’s Hospital

Dr. McKnight cares for general pediatric patients admitted to the hospital and collaborates with subspecialists in the care of hospitalized children.

Affiliate Network Education Program Coordinator
UC Davis Health

In addition to co-managing PACES, the coordinator collaborates with clinical educators and outreach teams at UC Davis Health to support education and training for our affiliates. The coordinator also leads efforts to bring UC Davis resources and education to clinicians who provide care to underserved communities in the Sacramento region.