Video visits improve pediatric glycemic control

A UC Davis Health study led by Stephanie Crossen, pediatric endocrinologist and Clinical and Translational Science Center scholar, found that telehealth video visits — in addition to clinic visits — for pediatric patients with Type 1 diabetes suboptimal glycemic control had higher patient satisfaction and improved glucose levels. The findings published in the journal Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics show how connected technology during the COVID-19 pandemic has helped providers improve health outcomes for children living with chronic conditions.

New insights on diabetic ketoacidosis, memory loss

UC Davis researchers have found a link between diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), lower IQ scores and memory loss in children with Type 1 diabetes. The first large-scale study of its kind published in Diabetes Care showed that children with a previous diagnosis measure lower in memory and IQ, suggesting that cognitive deficits may worsen over time compared to children with a new onset of DKA.

Pediatric endocrinologist receives Eli Gold Prize

Stephanie Crossen, recipient of a National Institutes of Health K12 grant and a National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases K23 award, has received the 2020 Eli Gold Prize. The award is given to faculty members who have achieved prominence in clinical, teaching, research and/or community service. Crossen is recognized for her work in the field of diabetes care technologies and telemedicine, including working with the Pediatric Endocrine Society to develop telehealth how-to videos for providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.