Voiding Dysfunction Clinic
Daytime and nighttime wetting are common problems in school age children. These issues either by themselves or in combination with others such as constipation and recurrent urinary tract infections are the source of significant stress and frustration for the child and parents. Appropriate treatment of these symptoms requires a dedicated team of pediatric urologists and nurse practitioners with specialized knowledge and experience in this challenging condition.
The Pediatric Urology program at UC Davis Children’s Hospital provides a comprehensive approach to voiding dysfunction. Initial evaluation with our nurse practitioner or one of our pediatric urologists will be the beginning of a journey to dryness through family education, behavior modification in the form of timed voiding and formal regimens to encourage healthy stool elimination. Further work up to diagnose other problems such as vesicoureteral reflux or the need for bladder testing (urodynamics) are determined in a step-wise approach with the family. Often additional treatments such as biofeedback therapy and pelvic floor rehabilitation are utilized. Ongoing communication between our team and the family, with support from the child’s pediatrician, is emphasized for long term success.
To schedule an appointment with one of our providers, please call (800) 4-UCDAVIS or (800) 482-3284. Patients who would like more information about the clinic should call (916) 734-2222, option 1.