Our Mission

Our mission at the National Center for a Diverse Healthcare Workforce at UC Davis is to promote best practices and advance diversity in the workforce by:

  • Leading research focused on recruiting, training, and retaining a diverse healthcare workforce to advance health equity;
  • Sharing research and engaging in meaningful conversations to increase diversity in the healthcare workforce;
  • Creating partnerships and collective impact to advance educational opportunity, equity, and diversity within the healthcare workforce.

Our Focus Areas


The CDHW develops and conducts research projects to inform and support schools of health in their efforts to ensure a more diverse student body, faculty, and healthcare workforce.

Communities of Practice

The CDHW convenes and facilitates Communities of Practice (COP) to engage key stakeholders and community partners in creating and implementing diversity action plans.


The CDHW utilizes different forms of media to share information about our research and communities of practice. Our Dissemination Team seeks to create spaces for meaningful conversation surrounding diversity and to overcome misconceptions about diversity and inclusion.