Dialectical behavioral therapy | UC Davis CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center | UC Davis Children's Hospital

CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center

Dialectical behavioral therapy

The CAARE Center offers high-risk adolescent and young adult patients Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) through a specially trained team established at the UC Davis CAARE Center. 

About Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DBT is an innovative treatment modality based on a combination of behavioral science, dialectical philosophy, and Zen practice which teaches patients that they can both accept themselves and work towards changing themselves simultaneously. 

It has been proven effective in reducing high-risk behaviors such as impulsivity, suicidal behavior, and self-injury in adult clients and has proven to have a higher retention rate with a variety of client groups. Utilization of this technique is still new to the adolescent population; however, it is showing promising results.


The CAARE Center’s team provides DBT patients with:

  • Weekly one-on-one treatment sessions
  • A group approach to teach coping and functioning skills
  • Telephone coaching to assist patients with generalizing skills learned to real-world situations.


DBT is available to patients who are between 12 and 21 years of age and who are eligible for funding from the federal Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program.

Patients must be willing to commit to services for at least 6 months and those under the age of 16 are required to have an adult participate in some aspects of their treatment. 

For further information about DBT please contact:
Samantha Corona, LCSW
Phone: 916-607-8794
Email: samcorona@ucdavis.edu