
Fetal surgery part of new fetal treatment center

As part of our recent growth in pediatric subspecialty areas, we’ve launched inland Northern California’s first comprehensive multidisciplinary fetal diagnosis and therapy center and performed the region’s first in-utero surgery. The UC Davis Fetal Care and Treatment Center offers advancements in fetal surgery and maternal-fetal medicine that allow multiple avenues of intervention, including in utero or in real time during the birthing process.

We’re proud to be one of a limited number of U.S. hospitals to offer these services for our region’s families.

Diana Farmer, Shinjiro Hirose and David Schrimmer, three of the country’s leading authorities and technicians on fetal surgical intervention.

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“He’s doing all the things a five-month-old baby is expected to do.” – Estella Mendoza, whose baby Alexander Rojas became our first patient to undergo potentially life-changing open fetal surgery for spina bifida.