CIRM COMPASS Training Program Curriculum | UC Davis Stem Cell Program

CIRM COMPASS Training Program

CIRM COMPASS Training Program Curriculum

The program will integrate CIRM COMPASS coursework with classes required for undergraduates focused across science and engineering majors and ensures students are well-versed and armed with a unique skill set competitive for future careers. Required components include topics such as science communications, life skills, community engagement, responsible conduct of research, and core competencies such as FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles for data management and sharing. CIRM COMPASS scholars will participate in the Asking Different Questions Research Training Series, where presentations range from: “Identifying Bias in Science Research and Training” to “Moving from Asking Different Questions to Action-Oriented Change." Elective courses will be adapted from the extensive offerings at UC Davis and tailored to individual trainee needs. Students will attend an annual retreat, the annual CIRM Trainee/Scholar Conference, and an Annual Community Roundtable that will provide an interactive venue with the campus community with presentations, communications about the program, and feedback from the public.

During the two-year program experience, other core courses required include:

  • Lecture and seminar series
  • Journal club
  • Hands-on stem cell culture training
  • Ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of stem cell research

Research Internships

COMPASS scholars will dedicate up to 10 hours/week/quarter, with additional time during the summer months, to their internships and related activities (minimum total 2-3 months). The overarching goal is to ensure a pipeline of diverse mentors and students meet career opportunities by:

  • Fostering mentoring, collaboration, innovation, and core competencies that cut across career paths.
  • Promoting basic science themes and linking discovery efforts with translational investigations.
  • Exploring career opportunities at UC Davis Health, which is nationally recognized for translating scientific discoveries and new technologies into improved patient care while addressing health care disparities.
  • Participating in CTSC outreach and community engagement activities.
  • Immersion in Aggie Square, an urban learning environment to initiate and grow partnerships that pertain to advances in human health and achieving social equity. Opportunities include exposure to community-engaged research while working with faculty, civic leaders, industry experts, and policymakers.