NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy | UC Davis CTSC

Effective January 25, 2023

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

woman holding light bulb over laptop computer

Policy Requirements

As of January 25, 2023, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires all researchers seeking grant funds that result in the generation of scientific data to:

  • Submit a two-page data management and sharing plan as part of the funding application. The plan must outline how their scientific data and accompanying documentation will be managed and shared.
  • Submit a data management and sharing plan as part of the grant application process.
  • Maximize the appropriate sharing of scientific data generated from NIH-funded or conducted research in the plan, with justified limitations or exceptions.

For more details about the new data management and data sharing policy, read the NIH Scientific Data Sharing one-page guide: The Who, What, Where and When of the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy (PDF).


A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that outlines best practices in data management and how you will apply these practices in the course of your grant or project.

The following elements must be addressed in your plan:

  • Data Type - Include the type of data and estimated amount of data being generated. Use general terms and descriptions about data modality (e.g. imaging, genomic, mobile, survey), how the data is aggregated and processed.
  • Related Tools, Software and Code - Indicate if specialized tools are needed to reproduce your research and how they can be accessed.
  • Standards - An indication of what standards will be applied to the scientific data and associated metadata (i.e., data formats, data dictionaries, data identifiers, definitions, unique identifiers, and other data documentation).
  • Data Preservation - The name of the repository, where scientific data and metadata will be archived. For more information see NIH Repositories for Sharing Scientific Data.
  • Access and Timelines - A description of how the data will be made available and what unique persistent identifiers (PID) you will use to support reporting out on your progress and outputs. Provide the timeframe with the expectation that the data should be made available as soon as possible.
  • Access, Distribution, or Reuse Considerations - Including informed consent, privacy and confidentiality protections like de-identification and Certificates of Confidentiality, any data use agreements or licensing limitations.
  • Oversight of Data Management and Sharing - How and when the data management plan will be monitored and managed, and by whom (e.g. , titles, roles).

Taken from:

Data Management and Sharing Plan Format and Samples

We ask that researchers use the DMPTool to complete their Data Management Plan. Never used the DMPTool? See the quick start guide.

This tool was developed by the National Library of Medicine and made available to researchers to help write grant-specific, and non-grant funded data management plans. UC Davis has also added organization-specific resources, services and guidance to help fulfill the data management requirements. The DMPTool provides the following benefits:

  • Click-through wizard that complies with funder requirements
  • Templates and step-by-step instructions and guidance for DMPs
  • Direct links to funder websites
  • Help text for answering questions
  • Contributors can be added and assigned specific data management roles in a project (e.g., Principal Investigator (PI), Data Manager, project administrator. etc.)
  • Collaborators can be added to review, read, edit, and administer a DMP and provide question-by-question feedback on the plan.

Request a consultation to have your data management plan reviewed.

  • Past Events

    • February 13 - 17, 2023
      UC Love Data Week will have several presentations on the topic of data management and data sharing as well as the new NIH policy requirements. More information can be found on the UC Love Data Week website.
    • January 13, 2023, 10:30 a.m.
      Team Research Forum: OSTP Open Access Memo and NIH Data Sharing Policy