To outline the deadline by which medical students must complete the USMLE Step 2CK exam, the process for requesting an exception to this deadline, and the process for remediating a Step 2CK exam failure.

All medical students

8.4 Evaluation of Educational Program Outcomes


  1. All students are required to pass the USMLE Step 2CK exam to graduate from the School of Medicine (i.e., the School).
  2. Students are allowed a finite number of attempts at the USMLE Step 2CK, as specified in the School's Bylaws and Regulations.
  3. Students who do not pass USMLE Step 2CK on the first attempt will be placed on Academic Warning.
    1. Students who do not pass USMLE Step 2CK on the second attempt will be placed on Academic Notice (effective 2025:  Academic Probation is now known as Academic Notice).
    2. Failure to pass the exam after the maximum number of allowable attempts is grounds for a dismissal recommendation by the Committee on Student Promotions (CSP).
  4. Students who do not pass USMLE Step 2CK on the first or subsequent attempt must work with the Associate Dean for Students, the Director of Student Affairs, and the Office of Student Learning and Educational Resources to develop a plan to prepare for and retake the exam.
    • All plans for remediation of USMLE Step 2CK must be approved by CSP.
  5. June graduates must take and complete their USMLE Step 2CK on or before December 31 of the year prior to their June graduation.
    • It is recommended students complete Step 2 CK by August 31 so scores are available for their residency application.
  6. December graduates must take and complete their USMLE Step 2CK on or before June 30 of the year in which they intend to graduate.
  7. Students who have completed core clinical clerkships and are planning to take a year to conduct research, pursue an advanced degree, or other academic enrichment experience must complete Step 2CK before beginning their other pursuit.


  1. Students who wish to request an exception to this policy will need to make that request to the CSP Chair through email (HS-SOMCSP@ucdavis.edu).
    1. June graduates must submit the request by October 15 of the year in which they are required to take Step 2CK.
    2. December graduates must submit their request by April 15 of the year in which they are required to take Step 2CK.
      1. Requests for an exception to the deadlines must be received no less than one week prior to the above dates and include an explanation of why the delay is being requested and a proposed take and complete date.
      2. CSP will review the request and make a final determination about whether or not the request will be approved.
  2. Students who do not meet the deadlines or fail to request an extension outlined in this policy without prior written approval from the CSP, will be placed on academic warning (or academic notice if already on warning) and will be required to attend a CSP meeting to discuss their actions and formulate a plan to complete USMLE Step 2CK.

Committee on Student Promotions

UC Davis School of Medicine Bylaws and Regulations, Regulation 60 (2) (A)

Coursework and Professionalism Remediation Policy
Extending the MD Program Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Committee on Student Promotions

Committee on Student Promotions*
Associate Dean for Students

January 2025; 2-year cycle

* indicates the policy owner