Student Code of Academic and Social Conduct Policy
To outline the School of Medicine's (i.e., the School) standards of academic excellence, promote integrity and fairness, and confront behaviors that impair the teaching and learning environment.
All medical students
3.5 Learning Environment/Professionalism
- Students are expected to adhere to the following:
- The UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct (COAC) and the UC Davis Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline are applied to the School.
- The UCD COAC applies to all educational activities, including, but not limited to:
- Quizzes and Examinations: Multiple choice question exams (e.g., NBME), written exams, standardized patient encounters (OSCE), etc.
- When students take an examination at an alternate time from other students, the COAC is strictly applied.
- A student taking an examination at a time that is other than the regular time has the obligation not to place themselves in a position where the examination is being discussed.
- It is inappropriate to discuss any aspect of the examination with any students who have not taken the exam. This includes comments on content and difficulty of the examination.
- Students must maintain confidentiality of examination materials, including not reproducing, attempting to reproduce, or keeping examination materials beyond the duration of the exam.
- Assignments: Clinical notes (clerkship or standardized patient encounters), short essays, reflections, oral or written presentations, etc.
- Artificial Intelligence use is only appropriate when indicated in writing by the faculty member assigning the activity.
- Sharing of active learning sessions materials (e.g., cases), unless otherwise specified by the Course Director.
- Quizzes and Examinations: Multiple choice question exams (e.g., NBME), written exams, standardized patient encounters (OSCE), etc.
- The UC Davis Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline applies to all types of social conduct, including, but not limited to computer misuse, drug and alcohol violations, theft, physical and sexual violence, sexual harassment, all types of stalking, bullying, any conduct that threatens health and safety, and other similar actions or activities.
- The UCD COAC applies to all educational activities, including, but not limited to:
- These three policies also apply to this policy.
- University of California – Sexual Violence and Harassment (SVSH) Policy
- University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS) - Appendix E
- University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS) – Appendix F
- Authority for student discipline resides with the Committee on Student Promotions (CSP) for lapses in academic conduct, including professional lapses, and with the Vice Dean of Medical Education in all other instances.
- All disciplinary action taken by the Vice Dean of Medical Education, operates by delegation of the Chancellor’s authority.
- Students found in violation of the policy are subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to dismissal.
- Students are introduced to the documents referenced in this policy at Transition to Medical School (orientation) and must sign an electronic statement acknowledging they have reviewed the policies, codes, statements, and expectations, and agree to abide by them.
- Annually, before the first day of instruction into the next year of the curriculum or subsequent curricular phase, students must re-sign these documents.
- Failure to do so will lead to the submission of a Physcianship Form (see the Professionalism Policy)
- Suspected violations to this policy are to be reported to the Associate Dean of Students and/or CSP in writing.
- CSP will review the allegations in conjunction with the Associate Dean of Students and determine if disciplinary action is warranted. If warranted, they will adjudicate on the nature of the action as outlined in the School's Bylaws and Regulations.
- Alleged violations that are non-academic in nature shall be reviewed by the Associate Dean of Students. Using the preponderance of the evidence standard if any disciplinary action is warranted, the Vice Dean of Education shall be responsible for implementation.
Associate Dean of Students
UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct
UC Davis Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline
UC Davis School of Medicine Bylaws and Regulations
Dismissal Policy
MSPE Policy
Pre-Clerkship Classroom Policy
Professionalism Policy
Required Exam Policy
Social Media Policy
Substance Use Disorder Policy
Vice Dean for Medical Education
Vice Dean for Medical Education*
Associate Dean for Students
Associate Dean for Medical Education
Assistant Dean for Medical Education
Committee on Student Promotions
Committee on Educational Policy
August 2024; 3-year cycle
* indicates the Policy Owner