Observership Applications

Our observership program is offered once per year, exclusively during the month of May. Applicants must be available for the full duration of the program, from May 4 to May 29, 2026.

To apply, please ensure you meet the following requirements:

  • All documents must be submitted in .pdf format and labeled with your name.
  • Only complete applications will be reviewed.
  • Do not submit your application until all requirements are met.
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • Letters of Reference (minimum of 2)
    • Medical Degree / ECFMG Certificate (for International Applicants)
    • Personal Statement of Interest that includes Research Interests
    • Proof of completion of USMLE STEP exams 1 and 2 CK, or COMLEX exams. Completion of Step 3 is preferred. Step 2 CS is no longer required.
    • University Transcript
    • Current Visa, Green Card and Citizenship

Application Submission: Submit your completed application to Tina Scheib at between December 1, 2025 – January 30, 2026. Applications received outside this window will not be considered.

Selection Process: Applications will be reviewed in March 2026. Selected candidates will be invited for a video interview prior to the final decision.

Important Notes:

  • Observerships are only available in May. Please do not visit the department without prior arrangement.
  • For questions, contact Tina Scheib at

Observership Details

Our 4 week observership program provides exposure to two weeks each of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Included is the opportunity to attend our resident conferences, grand rounds, tumor boards, conferences, autopsies and brain cuttings. While on Anatomic Pathology individuals will participate in varies types of sign-out (including but not limited to Breast, Cytology, Endocrine, GI, and Gynecology). While on Clinical Pathology individuals will spend one week on Transfusion Medicine (Blood Bank and Apheresis) and one week on Hematopathology sign-out. Additionally there are number of tutorials including Molecular Diagnostics, Point-of-Care Testing and Special Chemistry. Observers will present a Pathology case-based presentation to the department near the end of their rotation.

Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS)

Fourth year U.S. medical students can apply for our Pathology Elective courses by utilizing the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS). Students must have a minimum STEP 1 score of 210 and preference will be given to those interested in our residency program. If you have questions about the courses offered in the VSAS catalog, please email Tina Scheib at