Practice Experience Program | UC Davis Health

Clinical Informatics

Improving the Epic Experience

Our team aims to help physicians spend less time in Epic

PEP Team and Physicians

The Practice Experience Program (PEP) is comprised of analysts who utilize system analytics to assist UC Davis Health physicians improve their efficiency and satisfaction within the electronic health record. The Practice Experience Program is housed within the Department of Clinical Informatics. 

Join Our Team
PEP Team Members

The Practice Experience Program is a nationally recognized team working to establish ongoing operational programs to improve physician efficiency and satisfaction with the Epic Electronic Health Record. The program targets faculty and resident physicians, in all ambulatory and inpatient divisions, to provide a combination of Epic training and system optimization.

Apply for our open position: 

  • Clinical Applications Trainer 3 (ID: 76388)
In the News
  • The Culture Has Changed: A Multifaceted Approach to Improving Workflow

    UC Davis Health has enhanced physician workflow and satisfaction by leveraging user data and implementing training programs under the leadership of Melissa Jost, Director of Clinical Informatics and Clinician Health and Wellbeing. 

    Learn more about this approach
  • Hawa Teaching

    Streamlining EHR Documentation for Resident Physcians

    The Practice Experience Program (PEP), in partnership with the Internal Medicine Residency Program, implemented a streamlined approach to electronic health record (EHR) documentation to reduce the time and effort required by resident physicians. This initiative, improved the efficiency of documentation templates, significantly reducing note length and copy-forwarded text, while enhancing overall physician well-being and combatting burnout. 

    Learn more about the results