As the new chief of the UC Davis Division of Colorectal Surgery, Elizabeth Raskin leads a busy surgical service that focuses on leading-edge techniques, including robotic and laparoscopic surgery.

Megan Daly and Elizabeth Morris have more than a couple of things in common: They are female physicians at UC Davis Health, both in the radiology field, and both determined to cure Morris’ breast cancer.
“As a breast imaging expert, with an extensive background in diagnostic radiology, Liz had a very thorough understanding of our radiation treatment plan before we even spoke. So, if anything, she asked fewer questions than many patients who don’t understand the concept of radiation or why we use it,” said Daly, a radiation oncologist. She treated Morris with 16 fractions, or small doses, of radiation starting the first month of her tenure as chair of radiology at UC Davis.
Radiology is used in diagnosing cancer through imaging radiation, and radiation oncology deploys radiation to target and destroy tumors after they are discovered.
Daly and Morris share a doctor-patient relationship, and have also become peers and personal friends as they took an aggressive approach to treating Morris’ breast cancer.
“Megan has such a personable style with her patients and is so effective at explaining the advances in radiation oncology now available to breast cancer patients treated at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center,” Morris said.
Daly specializes in a variety of radiotherapy techniques, including the image-guided radiation therapy used to treat Morris.
“Liz was a great patient and, now as a breast cancer survivor, is in a unique position to understand the journey our patients take as they bravely face and conquer cancer,” Daly said.