Minimizing the trauma and anxiety of hospitalization

Our Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy Department and other compassionate staff work hard to minimize trauma and anxiety for our patients and allow them to continue typical growth and development. This year...

MRI movies

Fewer patients are now requiring general anesthesia for their MRI exams, following the addition of a dedicated child life specialist in radiology and special goggles that play...

Staying connected

Off-site families can now see their infants 24 hours a day in our neonatal intensive care unit, thanks to a program developed by our staff. Webcams mounted on isolettes...

Promoting safe sleep

Every year, 3,400 infants die of sleep-related causes – including one every other week in Sacramento County. In response we’re working with the Child Abuse Prevention Center to promote safe sleep practices. We’ve trained...

Dedicated child life staff

Child life specialists, along with music and art therapists, continue to use creativity and compassion to provide bedside medical play and preparations for procedures; familiarization...

Home away from home

The Kiwanis Family House and Ronald McDonald House use charitable support to offer inexpensive, referral-based accommodations on the UC Davis Children's Hospital grounds for...