To increase access to quality care for Latinx populations, a group of Latinx Community Health Center physicians and leaders, alongside a legislative consultant, developed the Licensed Physicians from Mexico Pilot Program. This program was approved in 2002 as Assembly Bill (AB) 1045 and aims to bring thirty (30) licensed physicians from Mexico to provide medical care in underserved areas at nonprofit Community Health Centers throughout California. These physicians will meet the cultural and linguistic needs of the Latinx patient population, expanding access to quality health care services.
In April 2021, the Medical Board of California (California Department of Consumer Affairs) contracted the Center for Reducing Health Disparities (CRHD) at the University of California, Davis to conduct an evaluation of the Licensed Physicians from Mexico Pilot Program, as mandated by Business and Professions Code (BPC) section 853.
The goal of the evaluation is to make recommendations on whether the Licensed Physicians from Mexico Pilot Program should be continued, expanded, altered, or terminated. Both qualitative and quantitative instruments will be used to assess program outcomes.
Participating nonprofit Community Health Centers are:
LPMPP in the News