Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence - About Us | UC Davis CTSC

About the Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence

The Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence (MARE) strives to provide a comprehensive, innovative mentoring program for researchers based on best practices that fosters and advances personal, professional, and institutional growth.


The mission of the Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence is to develop the next generation of independent, highly successful academic faculty, and advance the UC Davis research mission.


  • Continue to develop the UC Davis mentoring culture to support, reward, and enhance quality mentoring in health sciences
  • Create an environment that values, recognizes, and supports the essential role of mentoring in career progression
  • Establish a comprehensive, innovative mentoring program based on best practices that fosters and advances personal, professional, and institutional growth

Supportive Services for Mentoring

  • Serve as a resource for mentors and mentees
  • Provide mentor and mentee training in best practices for mentoring relationships
  • Integrate programs and goals for research faculty mentoring
  • Encourage inclusion of Academy mentoring deliverables in proposed projects and grants via requested letter of support
Our Team
  • Julie Schweitzer, Ph.D.

    Julie Schweitzer, Ph.D.

    Research Profile for Julie Schweitzer
    Director, Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence
    Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the MIND Institute

    Julie Schweitzer earned her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and has previously held faculty positions at Emory University and the University of Maryland. She joined the UC Davis faculty in 2007. With expertise in studying neurodevelopmental disorders, in particular attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), she uses a variety of methodologies including behavioral research approaches, functional brain imaging and clinical measures to better understand and treat ADHD. Schweitzer also has an active research program on developing non-pharmacological neurotherapeutics for ADHD. She is also a licensed psychologist and assesses and treats ADHD across the life-span. She has a lengthy history of directing translational research training programs and has been involved in multiple workforce development initiatives. She currently serves as the Co-Director of the UC Davis Mentored Clinical Research Training Program and the UC Davis CTSC TL1 Program. She was the director of the curriculum and lead workshop facilitator for the UC Davis Health Mentoring Academy starting in 2010, and previously served as the director of the UC Davis Health Mentoring Academy.

  • Susan D. Brown, Ph.D., F.S.B.M.

    Susan D. Brown, Ph.D., F.S.B.M.

    Research Profile for Susan D. Brown
    Associate Director, Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence
    Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine

    Susan Brown earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Boston University. She completed clinical training at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and a postdoctoral fellowship in chronic disease prevention at the Stanford University School of Medicine. She held positions at the Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, before joining the UC Davis, faculty in 2020. Susan Brown’s research focuses on behavior change interventions for diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention, particularly in diverse maternal populations. Using randomized clinical trials, longitudinal methods, and mixed methods, her lab develops and tests interventions to promote meaningful patient engagement in healthy lifestyle behaviors; preventive healthcare services; and clinical research itself, e.g., improving minority representation in clinical trials. She has a long-standing dedication to emerging scholars and increasing diversity the research community. She holds a National Institutes of Health award to mentor diverse scholars, serves as core faculty in the NIH Summer Institute for Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trials, and has led several training programs for early stage investigators. She is a volunteer mentor in the UC Davis, Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers Women's Health (BIRCWH) K12 program and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)-sponsored Leadership and Education Advancement Program (LEAP) for Diverse Scholars, among other UC Davis and national programs.

  • Daniel J. Moglen, Ph.D.

    Daniel J. Moglen, Ph.D.

    Workshop Co-Facilitator, Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence
    Education and Training Specialist, UC Davis Clinical and Translational Science Center

    Daniel Moglen holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics (Second Language Development) from UC Davis. He has worked in student support at UC Davis and UC Davis Health for over five years, supporting graduate students and postdocs in career and professional development. Moglen is passionate about meeting students where they are and giving them the tools and skills to make empowered decisions about their academic and professional careers. He is the Education and Training Specialist on the Translational Research Education and Development team at the Clinical and Translational Science Center.