Community Engagement Research and Education Community Advisory Board (RECAB) | UC Davis CTSC

Research and Education Community Advisory Board (RECAB)


We envision the RECAB as a strong, creative, and persistent force in changing the way researchers and community members exchange health-related information in an ever-changing environment.


RECAB strives to foster research that is relevant to the communities; builds trust and mutual understanding across all population groups, and assists in the dissemination of research to the public. RECAB members function as partners, advisors, and consultants to investigators; serve as ambassadors to existing studies, and provide input on research designs for future studies. RECAB will play an active role in the dissemination of study findings to target constituents in the most relevant and timely manner.


RECAB supports health-related communications and partnerships. We are the bridge between the Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) and the whole community with emphasis to the underserved population. To ensure that UC Davis research is relevant to communities, the RECAB-CTSC Community Engagement Program Staff advises, assists, and recommends to health scientists some practical and creative educational approaches to meeting research goals. Further, recognizing that community involvement in research has important benefits, RECAB aims to educate community members on the research process, inspire commitment to resolving problems through the scientific method, and promote community-based research programs dedicated to improving overall human health and well-being.

Scope and Responsibilities (Revised June of 2017)

RECAB members will continuously exert effort in revising the traditional, "top-to-bottom" or vertical path of communication traditionally employed in healthcare research and programs addressing community health needs. The alternative approach RECAB will utilize is to make research process and community programs become more participatory in nature, with “two-way interaction”, and horizontal communication. In consideration of concepts based on Patient Centered Outcomes Research Initiative (PCORI), specifying need for  patient or community involvement in the development and implementation of studies;  and the Institute of Medicine’s recommendation to Clinical and Translational Science Awardees to integrate community input in the full spectrum of a research study, including the development of research questions, research approach, recruitment and dissemination -- RECAB seeks to increase the treatment of community members as partners in the research process.

The following are specific RECAB member responsibilities:

  1. Attend six in-person RECAB meetings which take place every other month.
  2. Participate in working group discussions via in-person attendance or teleconference as invited to attend.
  3. Participate in at least two RECAB or UC Davis Health related activities per year (i.e. forums, community seminars, and/or Science Cafés).
  4. Engage in “bi-directional outreach” with collaboration around community health needs and research findings.
  5. Serve as ambassadors to and from the larger Sacramento/Central Valley communities via active participation in CTSC activities aimed at raising public awareness of research opportunities and clinical trials offered by UC Davis Health.
  6. Advise and provide input on the full spectrum of the research process, i.e. development of research questions, identification of research approach, selection of recruitment method, and dissemination of findings.
  7. Advise on the cultural and linguistic appropriateness of communication media and outreach strategies.
  8. Serve as a community research partner and support community-engaged research activities of the CTSC and RECAB.
  9. Enhance the research recruitment and retention of clinical trial participants at UC Davis Health.
  10. Advise on current and potential community research interventions and partnerships that are relevant and timely to the public.


The governance structure of RECAB embodies being productive, meaningful, and fun-filled engagement with the members of the organization. The following guide points establish the structure of RECAB:

  • The RECAB is maintained at a minimum 15-member body.
  • Board members can recruit and recommend potential members to the body based on personal belief of “being able to reflect the vision, mission, and purpose of RECAB”. Candidates are invited to apply online, provide curriculum vitae, then attend the next RECAB meeting as guest. Invitation for new members may also be necessary based on vacancy of position.
  • RECAB members will dutifully participate in additional workgroup meetings as determined necessary by the RECAB.
  • The tenure of RECAB membership runs for two years. Each tenure or term is a fiscal year that begins in June and ends in May, two years later. Members can reapply for another term upon successful completion of each term and recommendation of the RECAB.
  • Board members who are outside of the UC budget system will be compensated an honorarium of $500 annually, payable after the first meeting of the calendar year.
  • Board members who are UC Davis employees will be recognized and appreciated for individual effort per University policies. The token of appreciation is due one year and one month after the first meeting of the fiscal year.
  • Service record starts upon the month of member’s official induction to the board.
  • Board members are eligible for honorarium or token of appreciation upon successful attendance of at least four meetings per year (four out of six annual RECAB meetings)
  • If a board member misses three consecutive RECAB meetings, this is considered as implied disinterest and can be subject to non-invitation to the subsequent meetings. The member will be advised to reapply by the next fiscal year. Extenuating circumstances preventing meeting attendance will be reviewed by the chairman on individualized basis.
  • Each board member will receive a Certificate of Appreciation upon completion of each 2-year term. Members will be honorably recognized for the number of terms they have served in RECAB. Additional recognition awards may be given so long as remuneration adheres to University policies.