Primary Care Locations | Open enrollment | UC Davis Health

Clinics in your community

Many primary care locations throughout the region

We have primary care clinics in many area communities, including Auburn, Davis, Elk Grove, Folsom, Rocklin, Roseville and more.

Clinic map of UC Davis Health’s 17 locations

View our clinic locations

Your medical home

We use a model of care called the patient-centered medical home. It’s an approach that focuses on listening, shared decision-making with you, and helpful communication and coordination among all of your health care providers.

All UC Davis Health primary care clinics are designated as Patient-Centered Medical Homes by the nonprofit National Committee for Quality Assurance.

doctor and pediatric patient
Doctor conducting a telehealth appointment

Telehealth and urgent care

Video visits are available for primary care and specialty care. Your UC Davis Health primary care clinic may be able to also accommodate requests for same- and next-day urgent care appointments.

If an appointment isn’t available, you also have the option to use Telehealth Express Care. This service connects anyone in California with UC Davis Health care teams for same-day and extended-hours video visits about non-emergency issues, such as flu-like symptoms, GI problems, urinary tract issues and more.