Cancer Center Biorepository
Director: Regina Gandour-Edwards, M.D.
The Cancer Center Biorepository’s mission is to stimulate and facilitate research at UC Davis by providing quality cancer and non-cancer related human biospecimens and pathologic services in an “honest broker” model utilizing international standards of “best practices.” We are compliant with federal, State, and UC Davis regulations and ISBER guidelines (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories). As honest brokers we can provide quality specimens with associated clinical data without compromising patient identity and trust. The goal of the CCB is to maximize use of specimens in a cost- and labor-effective, ethical, state of the art manner. The CCB received its CAP accreditation in January 2015. Our policies & procedures include a comprehensive quality management program comprised of an integrated system involving planning, implementation, documentation, assessment and improvement to ensure that only specimens of the highest quality are collected, processed, stored and distributed to researchers.
Direct access to Cancer Center Biorepository website:
Login to Cancer Center Specimen Repository
UC Davis Biorepository