Please submit your order online at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center website. If you don't have a Cancer Center account, you will just need to register once.

Biorepository website at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center

Shared Resources website at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center

Go to "new users click here"

Once you are logged on, go to the "Service Request Form". A page already populated with your name will pop up.

If you have any problems accessing the website or the request form, Judy Krueger at the Cancer Center (4-5801) can walk you through the process.

Sacramento Researchers:

Deliver your specimen to:
Histology Laboratory reception desk on the 2nd floor of the PATH Building at UC Davis Medical Center, 4400 V St., Sacramento.

We always appreciate a call to alert us regarding incoming samples. Please contact Ramona Clarke at 916-734-0613 prior to sample delivery.