Our students have a passion for promoting health... for solving problems in new ways... for making a difference in California, the nation, and the world. They graduate with knowledge and experience that transforms their passion into their profession.

Undergraduate Program
Our minor in Public Health Sciences provides rigorous training in health sciences to prepare students to analyze the complex issues surrounding health.

Master's Programs
We administer two master's level programs: the Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) and the Master of Health Informatics which prepare students to become working professionals in the public health field.

Doctorate in Public Health Sciences
The Ph.D. in Public Health Sciences is designed to prepare you for leadership roles in public health and create innovative, evidence-based approaches to meet critical future societal health needs.

M.P.H. Alum's Public Health Journey
" I decided to follow a path where the system would be better for patients and providers both." Master's of Public Health alum '18, Tooka Zokaie