Environment & Climate Change | Believe in Better

Environment and Climate Change

row of bikes in a rack

We’ve made public environmental commitments, and received recognition for them, to provide sustainable health care and reduce our impacts on climate change – regionally and globally. Some examples:

Some examples of our efforts:

environmental pledges in grease pen

Recognized for climate leadership

UC Davis Health has been recognized by Health Care Without Harm among the hospitals and health systems that are pioneering innovative and effective solutions to mitigate health care’s climate footprint and enhance their resilience.

In winter 2023 UC Davis Health earned Health Care Climate Action recognition, including gold honors for climate resilience and silver for climate leadership. In 2022 we were recognized as a Climate Champion in a previous ranking system. 


A Top 25 hospital for sustainability performance

For three years in a row, Practice Greenhealth has recognized UC Davis Health as a national leader in environmental sustainability with a Top 25 Environmental Excellence Award – the organization’s highest honor for hospitals. We also received the Greening the OR Recognition Award and awards in Circles of Excellence for sustainable procurement, water, and green building.

More than 1 in every 4 hospitals is part of the Practice Greenhealth network.

solar panels

Learn more in our sustainability tour

This self-guided StoryMaps walking tour discusses UC Davis Health System’s efforts in reducing emissions, reducing water use, expanding solar energy usage, and more. You can also scroll through the tour without leaving your desk.

More Believe in Better Highlights

Some recent examples of our ongoing efforts to advance health for all.

Student inspired to study medicine after rural surgeon heals his broken finger

A finger injury at age 14 set Noah Lyndall on a path that brought him to the School of Medicine where he is among 139 new, first year students.

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UC Davis nursing school’s high school program earns national STEM award

The Summer Health Institute for Nursing Exploration and Success at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing is recognized for making a difference for underrepresented groups.

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Large study confirms: Siblings of autistic children have 20% chance of autism

A new, large study confirms earlier findings that children with an autistic sibling have a 20% chance of being autistic themselves.

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California cancer patients now have greater access to life-saving biomarker testing

A new law backed by the University of California gives cancer patients access to biomarker testing so targeted therapies can be used to fight their cancer.

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