Culturally Competent, Socially Inclusive Care

UC Davis School of Medicine students

We’re working to serve cultures and communities that have been underrepresented and marginalized by the health care system, and to ensure all feel welcome by reflecting our community's diversity in our hiring and clinical practices. Some examples of work in this area:

Some examples of our efforts:

medical student training

Spotlight: Community Health Scholars

A long-established goal of the UC Davis School of Medicine is to train physicians for practice in diverse communities where they are most needed to bridge California’s health equity gap.

The school’s innovative Community Health Scholars programs, and other unique programs for med students and residents, train future doctors to practice in California’s rural, urban, valley and tribal communities. Most of these areas are challenged by health disparities.

two persons at pride event

Spotlight: Leader in Healthcare Equality (LGBTQ+)

Named a LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader for 13 consecutive years by the educational arm of the Human Rights Campaign, a national-scale nonprofit that strives to end discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and realize a world that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all. 


Spotlight: National honors for educational diversity

Despite California’s long-standing ban on affirmative action, the UC Davis School of Medicine has become one of the nation’s most diverse medical schools as ranked by U.S. News & World Report.

The medical school and the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis, which employs similar holistic admissions practices, each have received excellence awards from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, and have been in the policy and media spotlight as national models.

med students

Creating pathways to health careers

Our initiatives to boost the number of health care providers in underserved parts of Northern California also include a variety of unique “pathway” programs.

These initiatives target students in pre-medical school environments like high school or community college, exposing and preparing them for potential health careers that can help the state’s health care workforce better reflect and serve its diverse population. Some examples:

More Believe in Better Highlights

Some recent examples of our ongoing efforts to advance health for all.

Medical student creates app to empower women and save lives

When second-year medical student Ijeoma Uche isn’t studying or researching, she’s plugging away at an app she co-created that’s gaining attention for reducing health disparities

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Heart disease in women takes center stage at 20th annual UC Davis Health forum

The Women’s Cardiovascular Medicine Program hosted its 20th annual Women’s Heart Care Forum to educate women community leaders about preventing heart disease.

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Popular speaker series to address Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s, autism research and more

The UC Davis MIND Institute’s Distinguished Lecturer Series will feature a variety of topics about neurodevelopmental conditions in 2025.

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Southern California wildfire evacuation illustrates life lesson for future mental health provider

When a psych mental health student was forced to evacuate her Hollywood apartment during a recent wildfire, she and her class learned important life lessons about compassion.

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