Having an action plan | Patient Education | UC Davis Children's Hospital

An Introduction to

Asthma in Children and Teens

Having an action plan

Asthma Action Plan

An asthma action plan helps you recognize and treat your child’s symptoms in a timely manner.

If breathing difficulty is severe or your child is unconscious, call 911.

If asthma symptoms go away after Step 1 or 2, but come back four or more hours later, start on Step 1 again and repeat the steps.

Signs of Medical Emergency

By utilizing the asthma home management plan, we hope your child’s asthma can be managed and better controlled. However, it is important to be aware of symptoms that are signs of a medical emergency.

Call 911 immediately if your child develops any of the following symptoms:

hand on phone
  • Difficulty breathing
    • Hunched over
    • Unable to lay down
    • Chest muscles pulled in to breathe
  • Passed out
  • Unresponsive
  • Blue lips/fingernails
  • Difficulty walking
  • Difficulty speaking