Premature Adrenarche | Conditions We Treat | Pediatric Endocrinology Specialty | UC Davis Children's Hospital

Premature adrenarche

Adrenarche is a term for the puberty changes that result from androgen hormones made by the adrenal glands. Adrenarche includes development of pubic hair and underarm hair, as well as acne and body odor. When these changes happen before age 8 in girls or age 9 in boys, they are considered premature. However, premature adrenarche is typically “benign” – meaning it is not dangerous. If a child has signs of premature adrenarche, they should be evaluated to make sure there are not any other signs of early puberty, and in some cases blood tests and/or imaging may be needed. If they are not in true early puberty (meaning the pituitary gland and the ovaries or testes are not producing puberty hormones), premature adrenarche by itself does not require treatment.

Referrals and Appointments

Clinic Information

Our endocrine specialists provide diagnostics, consultations and treatment options in all areas of general endocrinology as well as providing expert care for specific endocrine disorders. Our specialty endocrinology clinics include:

Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic

2521 Stockton Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA

The pediatric endocrinology clinic is located in the Glassrock Building on the UC Davis Health campus.

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For Physician Referrals or Appointments


To see one of our specialists, a referral is required from your child’s primary care physician.